Recording Department

ALERT! New Recording System 

Effective on Monday, September 16th, 2024  our document search system is located at https://recorder.chaffeerecordings.org/LandmarkWeb/. No sign up is required. 

Please be aware that Landmark will not work in the Safari browser utilized by Apple products. We advise that Apple product users utilize the Microsoft Edge application to view County Digital Archives. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 


Recording Procedures

The most efficient way to record a document is to e-record. You may also mail or drop off your documents for recording. Mail to Chaffee County Clerk, PO Box 699, Salida, CO 81201 or drop of at our office, 104 Crestone Ave. Salida. Call 719-530-5602 or email kgrauer@chaffeecounty.org for more details. Our office has a high volume of calls so if we don’t answer, please leave a message and we will return your call promptly.

You may search all Chaffee County recorded documents for free. Search, call 719-530-5602, or email kgrauer@chaffeecounty.org for more details.

New Procedure Regarding Recorded Title Conveyance Documents

Due to recent changes to the way in which fees and penalties are applied to Conveyance Documents, Chaffee County is enacting the following procedures to protect customers:

For more information please contact our Recording Department at 719-530-5602, or the Assessor’s Office at 719-539-4016.

Conveyance Affidavit


Letter from the Chaffee County Assessor regarding Recorded Title Conveyance Documents

Common Documents

Deeds – Documents that convey real estate

Deeds of Trust – Documents that encumber real estate. In the State of Colorado, the Public Trustee, a third party, is appointed as regulatory official

DD214 – Documents which state an individual’s military record. The Chaffee County Clerk’s office records DD214 documents free of charge and makes certified copies of these documents free of charge.

Subdivision Plats – Approved maps showing the legal boundaries of lots, blocks and easements at the time of recording, within a subdivision.

Other – Judgments and decrees, federal and state tax liens, releases, public trustee documents, business incorporation and statements of authority and marriage licenses, for example.

Document Recording

All documents recorded are indexed and imaged digitally. Original documents are returned to the owner. Digital images are uploaded nightly, and are available for searching online.

Please Note While the Recording Department will record any document presented by a customer, customers should understand that simply recording a document does not confer legality or authenticity on the document.

Submit Documents to the Correct County: Often documents intended for recording in one county are sent to another county by mistake. Please be aware that Chaffee County will NOT reject these documents and will not issue refunds for recording fees paid due to such an error. It is the sole responsibility of the submitter to ensure that you are recording your document in the appropriate County.

Recording Fees

New Recording Fees-July 2021. As a result of the passing of SB16-115, Colorado recording fees will be calculated as follows:

$13.00 for the first page and $5 for each additional page for all recorded documents.

Recording Fee Chart

Recording Fee Continuation

e-Recording Documents

e-Recording Documents Chaffee County encourages you to e-record your document rather than submitting it in paper form. The convenience, speed and security of online recording can more than offset the time and cost of paper submittals. e-Recording your document takes minutes. The process of submitting by paper, particularly if you are mailing it in, can take a week to 10 days to complete. eRecording Submitters: Simplifile 1-800-460-5657. CSC (866) 652-0111, erecording@cscglobal.com. To submit documents electronically visit their website Indecomm Global Services, Web link, Email: efile@indecomm.net, Telephone: 877-272-5250

Online Search of Public Documents

Search all recorded documents filed in our office for free.

NEW: Abstract Books that have been digitized

ABSTRACT LOTS BOOK 2 - 1 to 122 (Coming soon)

ABSTRACT LOTS BOOK 2 - 123-240 (Coming Soon)